AGM 2024
Dear Members
We are again approaching the time of year when Norfolk Snowsports Club will hold its Annual General Meeting. We propose to follow a similar format to last year. You will be receiving a formal invitation to this in the near future. In the meantime, if you wish to save the date, the AGM will be held at the club on Thursday 12th September at 7.00pm.
The AGM itself will be part of a broader “Club Evening” where we can socialise and talk about the Club in a more relaxed environment.
Nonetheless, there will be formal business to be transacted, and it is in connection with that that I am writing to you now.
I am required by the Club’s articles of association, essentially its constitution, to invite members to nominate candidates for election to the Executive Committee.
We are really keen to get some fresh blood in so please do give it some thought and read on if you are even remotely open to the idea.
There are 12 places on the Committee. At present, the Committee has 12 members. I am, however, currently aware of the fact that at least two of those members do not intend to stand for re-election at this year’s AGM. This will include me, as I plan to stand down from the Executive from September 24.
We are, therefore, in need of a number of new Committee members. Moreover, we would love to see some fresh ideas/energy and if you are at all interested, please do put yourself forward. By the way, if you want to support the Club in a practical way but are not inclined to stand for election to the Executive Committee, you could reply to the email to members that was sent out on or around 25 April saying “Your Club needs you!”.
Existing Committee members must also submit their names for re-election. If, at the AGM, there are more than 12 candidates, we will hold an election at the AGM.
What does it involve?
The Committee meets at the Club on the third Tuesday each month. Most of us like to attend in person, but we use Zoom for those who are unable to get to the Club.
The role does require some commitment outside of the formal meetings (with each of us contributing according to our skills/abilities and available time). I have to say however, that overall, it can be a rewarding experience.
You will be involved in helping the Club in a very material sense: directing its strategy, driving growth, identifying and maximising opportunities, and managing risk. But please don’t be put off just because the Committee may appear to be well staffed at present or because of any (misplaced) concern about lack of experience. Enthusiasm and passion for the Club, and a willingness to help are key success factors.
If we are to represent the interests of the membership as a whole, we need a diverse Committee. The merits of a diverse Committee are not just that it can more closely reflect the membership. Greater diversity will also help us to consider issues from a broader range of perspectives and should result in more robust and well-rounded decisions being taken.
Don’t let this section put you off if you feel you have a contribution to make. That said, the Committee would particularly like to encourage members with any of the following skills to consider putting themselves forward.
- Finance
- Fundraising
- IT
- Marketing
Any questions?
We are a friendly bunch and you do not require any special expertise or previous experience to be on the Committee. If you are even just considering the possibility of standing and have any questions then please get in touch with me or one of the other existing Committee members who you may know (email: moc.stropswonsklofronnull@egroeg.yeldud) and we will be very happy to chat.
How to apply
Please send nominations to: moc.stropswonsklofronnull@noitpecer
If you want to put yourself forward, there are a couple of formalities to follow:
- You must be nominated by two members of the Club (and you yourself can be one of those two members)
- You must be over the age of 18 on the date of the AGM (this will be 12 September – formal notice to follow).
- Each member may nominate only one candidate.
- The deadline for receipt of nominations is Thursday 15 August.
The reason for the deadline, by the way, is to allow us sufficient time to prepare for the AGM, including finalising the notice and, if necessary, to allow us to make arrangements in the event that there are more candidates than places on the Committee.
In summary, being on the Executive Committee is rewarding, valuable to the Club, and does not require special expertise or prior experience.
So, don’t be shy… as we have already said, your Club needs you!
Dudley George